Welcome to the second AIMS-Volkswagen Stiftung Workshop on Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications. This workshop which is funded within the framework of the Volkswagen Foundation Funding Initiative "Symposia and Summer Schools", is aimed globally at promoting capacity building in terms of research and training in orthogonal polynomials and applications, discussions and development of new ideas, development and enhancement of networking including south-south cooperation.
The following groups are highly encouraged to apply by filling online the application form before July 1, 2018:
- African lecturers/researchers whose research domain is close to orthogonal polynomials and applications;
- African postdocs or junior lecturers who are interested in doing research in the domain of orthogonal polynomials and applications;
- African Master and PhD students who would like to do their Master or PhD thesis in the domain of orthogonal polynomials and applications.
In the online application form one had to fill clearly all the requested information. PhD and Master students were requested to type in the online form a motivation letter, while those who wanted to give a short talk in the workshop topics were requested to send in addition the title and abstract.
It was the hope of the organizers that some junior academics, PhD and Master students from Africa who will attend this workshop will develop interest for research in the field of orthogonal polynomials and connect with plenary speakers for possible research collaboration (for junior academics) and supervision of their PhD and Master theses (for students).
Funding obtained from the Volkswagen Foundation did cover travel and living expenses for 14 renowned international plenary speakers, about 50 junior academics, postdocs, PhD and Master students from Africa and 5 postdocs and PhD students from Germany.
The Proceedings of this workshop appeared in the Springer book series Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences and can be found HERE.